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美國明州西南州立大學MBA雙聯學位--說明會 Southwest Minnesota State University MBA Dual Degree Information Session
文/李渼詩     【2024/2/1】友善列印

姊妹校明尼蘇達州西南州立大學(Southwest Minnesota State University簡稱SMSU),成立於1963年,為明尼蘇達州(Minnesota)所設立的7所公立大學之一,是教育部所認可之國外大學,擁有100個以上的社團及組織供學生參加,同時也是明州西部地區最大型的綜合大學。
Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU), founded in 1963, is one of the seven public universities established in Minnesota. It is a foreign university recognized by the Ministry of Education and offers over 100 clubs and organizations for students to participate in. Moreover, SMSU is the largest comprehensive university in western Minnesota.

In an effort to strengthen academic collaborations with foreign universities, broaden students' international perspectives, and enhance their global competitiveness, SMSU will be holding an information session on the MBA Dual Degree Program on 3/20 (Wednesday) and 3/30 (Saturday). Please register and join us!

詳情請洽: https://www.sce.pccu.edu.tw/dualdegree/NewsContent.html?no=1793
For more information, please visit: https://www.sce.pccu.edu.tw/dualdegree/NewsContent.html?no=1793
