首頁 > 校園新聞
文/李渼詩  2021/5/18列印
本校為因應嚴峻疫情狀況,即日所有課程採線上全遠距教學進行至109學年度第二學期止,並持續配合本校政策滾動式修正措施,請師生隨時於本校「因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防治專區」查詢最新公告訊息。 https://ap2.pccu.edu.tw/pccupost/post/content.asp?NUM=2021518185753518
In response to the fast development of the COVID-19 pandemic and increases in confirmed cases, the School has started remote learning for all classes starting Monday, May 17. All classes are taught remotely till the end of 2020-2021 Academic Year. Additional measures will be adopted and announced according to the School’s policy. Teachers and students please pay attention to the latest announcement on the Website for COVID19 Disease Control.
